benefits of almonds

The most important benefits of Almonds

Usually the height of Almond trees is between 4 and 10 meters…
properties of Almonds

Take a look at the beneficial properties of Almonds

There are several reasons that make properties of almonds a good…
Almond drying

Almond drying and storage process

Countries such as the US, Spain, Australia and Iran are among…
producer of Almonds

Spain, the second largest producer of Almonds in the world

Spain, the second largest producer of Almonds in the world. If…
mamra almonds

Why should we eat Mamra Almonds?

Mamra Almonds are one of the nutrients that are very useful for…
almond milk

Is Almond milk useful?

One of the main features of Almond milk is that it lacks gluten,…
Planting Almond

Planting Almond tree and how to grow it properly

Mamra Iran fall into the category of nuts. They have beneficial…
use almonds

Why is it necessary to use Almonds in a children's diet?

Almonds in the group of nuts have now become a popular food ingredient…
harvest almonds

The perfect time to harvest Almonds

Along with all the ways to Growing Almond Mamra trees, harvest…
bitter almonds

Uses of bitter Almonds

Bitter almond is one of the nutritious nuts that offers many…