benefits of almonds

Usually the height of Almond trees is between 4 and 10 meters and its diameter is more than 30 cm.

The United States, Spain and Australia are exporters of almonds worldwide.

Mamra almonds are also produced in Iran, accounting for 6% of production and ranking fifth.

The interesting thing is that almonds make up 49% of the oil. It contains 62% unsaturated oleic acid, 24% unsaturated linoleic acid, and 6% palmitic acid. Usually, every 100 grams of almonds contains 576 kcal of energy. You can plant the almond tree in the winter, then you will see the buds in the spring. The plant will need sunshine and proper irrigation, so you need to do this once a week in the summer.

The best Irani Mamra Almonds belong to the city of Tsuj in East Azerbaijan.

The word almond, which is called “Badam” in Iran, has a Persian origin and has since been introduced into Turkish, Hindi, Urdu and Arabic.

California is now one of the most productive areas for almond cultivation. February and March are the perfect time for blossoms to look like cherry blossoms.

Those who grow almonds know that the weather affects the rate of almond production. The state of flowers and blooms can provide important information to producers about the product.

Usually if the brain is bitter almonds, it contains some cyanide and cyanic acid, too much bitter almonds can lead to human poisoning. If children consume between five and ten, they will be highly poisoned. This number reaches 50 for adults.

Reduce Migraine

Only a handful of almonds will be able to prevent severe migraines. Mamra Iran are high in tryptophan and it is a type of amino acid that is essential for the release of serotonin, which is a happy hormone.

In addition, almonds are a source of magnesium and will relieve muscle aches and tenderness. Sometimes it is the physical aches and stresses that can cause headaches, so getting enough magnesium or taking supplements containing it can be helpful.

tips of almonds

The perfect way to lose weight

There are many people who are trying inappropriate ways to lose weight like all kinds of slimming pills, while eating a handful of almonds daily can help you get rid of the fatty abdominal fat.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania at the University of Pennsylvania have found that eating only 42 grams of almonds daily can help your legs, abdomen and waist to become thinner. The study, published in the DailyMail, suggests that in addition to being thin, Mamra Almonds Iran can help lower blood cholesterol and reduce many heart problems.

Prevention of liver cancer

Vitamin E can be very helpful in reducing the risk of developing liver cancer, a problem that is very common in people 50 years or older. It is very beneficial to absorb vitamin E through the consumption of foods that contain it or with the help of dietary supplements to reduce the risk of liver cancer. Given this, the researchers recommend that people consume more almonds, peanuts, dried apricots. Many of these foods contain vitamin E, in addition to Mamra almonds you can find what you want in materials such as vegetable oils, sprouts, hazelnuts, walnuts and the like.

Relieve heart disease

Almonds can contain a lot of unsaturated fat which reduces the risk of heart disease. The results of many studies suggest that many brains, such as Mamra almonds, reduce heart problems and cholesterol. People who eat nuts 5 times a week are at a 50% lower risk of heart disease.

tips of almonds

Antioxidants found in Almonds

Almond skin contains a significant amount of vitamin E, it contains a lot of antioxidants. The antioxidant benefits are significant for the body because it can prevent diseases such as cancer, heart disease, forgetfulness and Alzheimer’s disease, immune system weakness, cataracts, muscle weakness and prostate, and thus improve cell function.

Reduce muscle cramps

Almonds contain significant amounts of magnesium and potassium. If enough magnesium is in the body, it helps the body to carry oxygen and nutrients quickly through the bloodstream, thereby reducing the heart rate.

Almonds are higher in magnesium than in barley or spinach.

In addition to magnesium, potassium in almonds helps to reduce muscle contraction, strengthen nerves and balance blood pressure, all of which help to boost heart function. 1/4 cups of almonds contain 99 mg magnesium and 257 mg potassium.

Prevent cervical cancer

Lots of calcium and protein in almonds. Every 100 grams of fresh almonds contains 20 grams of protein and 240 mg of calcium.

These substances in almonds make it very useful in preventing colon cancer, as well as folic acid in almonds to reduce the risk of cervical cancer.


Almond fiber causes constipation to disappear. If you are suffering from this problem, just eat 10 almonds a day. It’s also important to note that almond fiber not only relieves constipation but also gives you a feeling of satiety. For this reason, a handful of almonds would be very suitable as a daily snack.


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